Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Quote #7

KIRK: This is Admiral Kirk. We tried it once your way, Khan. Are you game for a rematch? Khan? I'm laughing at the superior intellect.

KHAN: Full impulse power!

JOACHIM: No sir! You have Genesis! You can have whatever you—

KHAN: Full power! Damn you!

And…yeah. This would be a time to walk away ahead of the game. But Khan, being Khan, just isn't able to. His quest for revenge has caught him in the same trap he's laid for Kirk. And we'd be remiss if we didn't mention Khan's resemblance to another vengeance-crazed captain here: a one-legged dude named Ahab.

Quote #8

KHAN: Joachim!

JOACHIM: Yours... is... the superior...

KHAN: I shall avenge you.

It's a nice thought, but—having already doubled down on the whole revenge thing—it's going to be hard for Khan to get even more revenge-y solely for the sake of poor old sensible Joachim.

Quote #9

KHAN: No Kirk…the game's not over…to the last I will grapple with thee…

A little Ahab quote, just to make sure we're absolutely clear how far Khan is willing to go here.