Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories The Big Brag, Lines 95 – 104 Summary

Worldly Vision 

  • Sure enough, this upstart worm has way outdone the rabbit and the bear, looking farther than "you'll ever look." In case you missed it, that's way across the ocean, past Japan and China and Egypt and… holy guacamole, how far is this guy going to look?
  • Just as in that heavy action scene in Gertrude McFuzz, the frequency of punctuation increases here to create smaller rhythmic units that build tension and raise us to the very peak of the story.
  • Once again, all of the animals look small in this illustration within the greater context of this big, big world. All of the animals, that is, except the worm, who is appears to be almost as tall as the rabbit. But he's earned that scale as he looks farther and farther still.