You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down Identity Quotes

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Quote #10

"You already had your freedom," said Irene. "The freedom to go either way."

"To be thrown either way, you mean," said Anastasia. "Even you got in on the throwing." (Source.190)

Anastasia lays it out for Irene, who hasn't been as good a friend to Anastasia as she thought. In this exchange, Irene tells her that she (Anastasia) couldn't enjoy the victories of the Civil Rights Movement because she already had her freedom. Irene is speaking of Anastasia's biracial identity and her light skin color, which allowed her to choose how she wanted to present herself. But Anastasia corrects Irene's perception: the only freedom in her experience was to be judged by both sides. It's a bad day for Irene, who had thought of herself as a tolerant person.