Best Practices


Math Shack

Pythagoras. Ada Lovelace. Albert Einstein. What do these mathematicians have in common? Besides the obvious fact that all three kinda liked numbers, all of them wish they had access to Math Shack when they were youngsters. Luckily, you can use Math Shack in your class to inspire the next generation of brilliant mathematicians.

Check out these simple ways to incorporate Math Shack into your classroom:

1. Make homework fun.

Handouts are useful and all, but eventually your students are gonna want something a little more 21st-century...and a little more fun. Send your students links to certain concepts and have them practice at home. The hints along the way will help them out when you're not around to do so...and then can come back in the next day to share a problem they thought was particularly tough—and teach the rest of the class how to solve it.

2. Make it competitive.

Give extra credit for Shmoints and Badges earned through Math Shack, or have an in-class competition for who can master concepts quickest. You'd be surprised what some virtual currency can inspire.

3. Keep your Common Core ducks in a row.

Teaching a specific Standard? Find Aligned Resources including the appropriate section of Math Shack, and then have your students take off on their own.

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