Best Practices


AP Test Prep

Multiple choice sections, DBQs, and free response essays...oh my. Your students may be freaking out about AP® exams, but with Shmoop AP Test Prep, you don't have to share their nerves. We have AP Test Prep for every test, complete with diagnostic exams, practice tests, concept reviews, and more drills than you can stick a freshly sharpened No. 2 pencil at.

Check out these easy ways to use AP Test Prep in your class:

1. Diagnostic exams

Want to see where your students need some extra help...but don't want to sacrifice 3 hours of class time for a practice exam? Our short diagnostic exams get down to business, quizzing students on just the key concepts to find their strengths and weaknesses. You can use this data to help kids prepare more effectively (more on that later).


2. Review

At the end of the school year, it's tough remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday, let alone what you taught 5 months ago. AP Test Prep modules give a clear overview of what concepts the course has covered, so you can make sure to review everything with your students before the test. Clear, thorough, and fun review sessions? It's a teacher daydream come true.


3. Drills

Practice makes perfect...or, more realistically, makes your students more likely to earn a solid score. Use AP Test Prep drills in class or as assignments to give your kids' brains a great pre-test workout.


4. Practice tests

Nothing prepares students for an AP exam better than practicing under battle conditions. Each of our Test Prep products comes with multiple practice exams, allowing students to get used to the instructions, time limits, and various quirks associated with the test. By the time the real exam rolls around, they'll be seasoned professionals.


5. Student and class statistics

As the business-savvy, suit-wearing hotshots say, "You can't manage what you can't measure." Each AP Test Prep guide lets you track your students' progress, both individually and as a class. These statistics give useful insights to help you meet your students' needs. Is Eric screaming internally every time you zip through an explanation of statistical inference? Did the whole class confuse Impressionism with Expressionism? Spotting weak areas is like a new superpower, allowing you to swoop in and save the day in the nick of time.


Shmoop's AP Test Prep offer great tools to help you prepare your students for their test. Find creative ways to work the diagnostics, drills, and statistics into your classroom, then sit back and relax as your students walk into the test with a confident swagger.

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