
Find yourself. Or at least find a job.

Science Careers

Science…pretty much defines who we are as a species. You don’t see dogs developing advanced agricultural technology. There are no donkeys throwing on lab coats and testing chemical reactions. And you won’t find a monkey in space…unless we put him there.

Yeah, from the time our brains developed to the point where we could think, reason and make things blow up, we’ve been ridiculously fascinated by science. It’s how we move forward, how we cure diseases, how we make our lives easier…and it will probably also lead to our eventual, inevitable destruction. But we sure will have fun with it in the meantime!

Because there’s so much importance placed on scientific advancement in our world, and because it takes someone smarter-than-your-average-bear to understand the totally complex concepts and formulas one needs to wrap their mind around in order to be successful, the science biz can be a lucrative one. So yeah, if you go down this road, you might definitely be seeing green, and not just because you accidentally mixed sizeable doses of auramine, lactose and potassium chlorate.

At the bottom of the heap, you’ve got your high school science teachers, as well as a smattering of life science and social science experts, lab technicians, etc. who make in the 30k to 40k range. Those in the agricultural, material or chemical sciences are more likely to take home $50k to $70k a year, while uber-nerds like astrophysicists and the like can make very good money. Maybe not…astronomical, per se…but $200k or more for someone at the top of their game, especially when employed or commissioned by a major organization at the federal level.

The highest-paying jobs, however, may be science-related, but are more entrepreneurial in nature. Like…the guy who raised dough to start his own pharmaceutical company—Drugs R Us—and is now a billionaire. His background may have been primarily in business, but that business was rooted in science.

Taking the traditional route, however, you should already have a pretty good idea of whether or not you could cut it as a scientist. If numbers make your head hurt and you can’t go near a test tube without breaking it, you’ll probably want to consider other options. But the very fact that you have come to this page is a strong indication that you are not completely disgusted with all things scientific.

If you have the interest, and the passion to increase your knowledge base in whatever field happens to grab you, this can be an incredibly rewarding line of work. You could have a part in furthering our space exploration efforts, or in helping to protect or preserve the environment, or in developing the first-ever, 100% effective hair growth pill. You could be the hero of astronomy fanatics, tree-huggers, or bald men worldwide.

But if you currently struggle in any of your math or science classes—regardless of how much you love it—be warned. The math will only get tougher, and the demands on you will only get more…demanding.

A lot will be asked of that mass of tissue between your ears, so be sure you—and it—are up to the challenge.

Careers In This Field


Forensic Scientist

Retail Nurseryman

Polygraph Examiner



Biosystems Engineer





Stem Cell Biologist

Geothermal Engineer

Robotics Engineer


Food Scientist

Cancer Biologist

Cytogenetic Technologist

Pesticide Scientist

Farm Research Scientist

Nuclear Engineer




Aerospace Engineer

Biological Scientist


Chemical Engineer




Pharmaceutical Scientist

NIH Scientist


Marine Biologist


FDA Scientist

EPA Scientist

Environmental Scientist



