
Being awesome can be stressful. (Source)

Database administrators are responsible for storing, supplying, and securing all the information a company needs to do business. With that kind of responsibility there's bound to be some stress. Equipment failures, malware, viruses, and capacity woes are just some of the many things you have to watch for every day.

Most businesses these days interact with their customers day and night, and a computer malfunction can cost a gazillion dollars if it isn't dealt with right away. Guess who gets called in at 2:15AM when something goes wrong? You do. And, if you work for a large retail company with online shopping, you may find yourself in the office monitoring the network the day after Thanksgiving instead of home watching football and noshing on leftover turkey.

It's a good thing you anticipate problems and put measures in place to stop a breakdown before it happens. If your foresight looks like magic to others, who are you to argue with that?