
Looking to get your name out there? Pottery just might do it. It's not your usual route to fame, but potters generally don't go for the Hollywood glitz and glamour. They crave the attention and adoration of other artistes.

As you develop a customer base and establish yourself in your community, you'll have a shot at showing in public spaces. At first it might just be a local coffee shop, but once your work takes off, you could find yourself being phoned by local galleries that are just dying to feature you at a special after-hours showing.

We'd Louvre to see more pottery exhibited here. (Source)

There's even a slim chance—a very slim chance—that you could join the ranks of the greats like Beate Kuhn or John Glick. You could tour the world, displaying your works and hearing people praise them for their self-aware blending of tradition and art nouveau. Hey, it worked for those yahoos.