Programming Resources

Articles and Interviews

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer

Alternate history? Check. Crime fighting? Check. Steampunk? Check. The graphic novel you never knew you needed, The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage answers the eternal question: what would've happened if Babbage had actually succeeded at creating his Difference Engine?

Grace Hopper on Letterman

You've read a little on her impressive work with the Navy; now watch her talk with Letterman about here work. Who knew someone so smart could be so funny?


App Developing…It's for the Kids

Teaching programming isn't just for adults. This 12-year-old app-developer is working to help kids learn programming, one Justin Bieber parody game at a time.

The Art of Creative Coding

Coding isn't all just zeros and ones. A growing number of people are turning to code for the thing you'd least expect: art. And they're creating some pretty spectacular things.


"Java Life" Rap

We couldn't decide whether we were infinitely entertained or embarrassed by this music video about coding in Java, so we'll let you be the judge.

Away from the KeyBoard

This podcast series talks about everything programmer, except for programming itself. Find out the inner workings of programmers' lives from this series.


O.P.C. by Abstruse Goose

If you're looking for a succinct way to vent your frustrations towards other people's code, check out this webcomic from Abstruse Goose.

Coding Stats…Stat!

There's no beating around the bush: we need students to go into computer science. How much? Check out this infographic from and see for yourself.