
Example 1

Turn left on Wiggleblorch Street.

Directions are an easy example of the imperative sentence. As you may have noticed, the subject of an imperative sentence is you. Usually, though, the word you isn't included in the actual sentence because it would sound weird… and slightly terrifying.

Example 2

Take off your shoes, please.

In this polite imperative sentence, the speaker is kindly requesting that you remove your shoes rather than track sludge all over his or her home. We hope you wore your matching socks.

Example 3

Bring me my slingshot!

The trusty slingshot—also known as a Shanghai, wrist-rocket, or hand catapult—is a classic tool of debauchery. Here, the command to bring the speaker their slingshot is issued forcefully. We know that because it ends in an exclamation point. (Also, what's the magic word?)