
Example 1

An iconic, red double-decker bus is a great way to take in the sights and sounds of London.

Personally, we prefer the triple-decker Knight Bus from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. In this Muggleworthy example, sights is the correct word because it refers to things worth seeing in England's capital.

Example 2

That empty lot on the corner of Main and Washington is the perfect site for a new gelato shop.

If you ask us, every site is the perfect location for a gelato shop. And since we're talking about location, site is the perfect word for this sentence.

Example 3

Miller tried to cite an obscure traffic law to get out of his speeding ticket.

Even though Miller's defense is a bit suspect, cite is the correct word for this sentence because Miller is trying to use a weird, old law as proof that he and his lead foot should be let off the hook.