Writing Numbers

There are two ways to write numbers:

  • numerals, like 200
  • words, like two hundred

But how do you know when to use a numeral and when to use a number?

First, remember that you should always write out numbers of one or two words, like fifty or nine thousand. Then, you just tattoo the following list on your legs and wear long pants for the rest of your life.

Okay, okay, that's a little extreme. How about you just study this list closely instead?

Use numerals for:

  • numbers that would be written out with three words or more
  • days and years
  • exact times
  • exact amounts of money
  • addresses
  • scores and statistics
  • percentages, fractions, and decimals
  • pages, chapters, and volumes
  • acts and lines from plays

Got it? Good.

One more thing: when two numbers appear right next to one another in a sentence, write one as a word and the other as a numeral so they're easier to read. That's just good manners, Shmooper.


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