12 Angry Men Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from 12 Angry Men.

Quote #4

JUROR #11: You have sat here and voted guilty with everyone else because there are some baseball tickets burning a hole in your pocket.

Juror #7 might have expected a quick scolding, but #11 won't let him off the hook that easily. He goes on at great length about the man's responsibility, but even still, he doesn't seem to make much of a dent in the guy's selfishness. This is just another way in which the characters of this movie show their true colors over the course of the film.

Quote #5

JUROR #11: Who says you have the right to play like this with a man's life?

Juror #11 hasn't had much time to talk in this movie, so now is his time to shine. Juror #7 might think he doesn't have the right to talk this way, but Juror #11 quickly wipes away his objections and gets right up in his face. After all, he asks a pretty legit question when he asks what gives #7 the right to decide a person's life or death based on a couple of baseball tickets.

Quote #6

JUROR #11: If you want to vote not guilty, do it because you are convinced he is not guilty, not because you've had enough.

No matter what the verdict it, Juror #11 wants to make sure that Juror #7 votes with his conscience instead of his self-interest. Unfortunately, #11 doesn't actually have any way of forcing #7 to do this other than shaming him in front of everybody. At the end of the day, #7 probably still votes Not Guilty because he doesn't care one way or the other.