A Break With Charity Susanna English Quotes

Susanna English

Quote 1

So I said, "Yes, I will go," though in my heart I will never understand why we women are always assigned the task of peacemaking. "I will go, but I will not forgive Ann Putnam. You cannot ask me to do that, husband," I told him. And I wonder, now that I am here, how I can look on her face again without seeing the faces of all whom she destroyed. (Prologue.9)

Right off the bat we know that gender is going to be important in this book—according to Susanna women are the mayhem-makers and the peacemakers in Salem. Ann Putnam wreaked havoc back in the day, and now that it's fourteen years later, Susanna feels like she is expected to bring peace to her community all because she is female. This places Susanna in a pretty tough spot.