A Gathering of Old Men Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You know, I sympathize with him. 'Cause you see he never wanted none of this. Never wanted to be responsible for name and land. They dropped it on him, left it on him. That's why he drinks the way he does, and let that niece of his run the place. Let her have it, he don't care. Don't care if it go to hell. He want to it to go to hell. To hell with it. (13.3)

Gee whiz, Poor Major Jack. Boo hoo hoo. Leave it to a racist knucklehead like Tee Jack to sympathize with the wrong person.

Quote #8

"I think Mapes needs help," Luke Will said.

            Jack looked at him, but with no more feeling than if he was looking at a chinaball tree or a fence post. He showed more concern looking at that door to the n***** room than he did looking at live Luke Will. (13.64-5)

Don't think that the Major is acting the way he is because he can't stand the fact that Luke Will's a racist. Nope. He can't stand Luke Will because he's poor.