A Great and Terrible Beauty Lies Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Ann, darling," I say, copying Pippa's chummy tone from earlier. Everyone seems surprised to hear me speak, no one more surprised than I am at the moment. "Don't be modest. Tell Miss Moore the truth." […]

"The t-t-truth?"

"Yes," I say, hoping I can make this up as I go along.

"The truth—"… (6.54-57)

Oh no she didn't… Gemma comes back with an awesome lie to rival the Torture Twins. We don't feel bad at all about it either because she does it to get poor Ann out of hot water.

Quote #8

"Why not? Are your feelings hurt that you didn't feel what the rest of us did?"

"Don't be ridiculous," I snort, a sound that seems to accompany my lies, which is most unfortunate. I'm on the road to becoming a snorting fool these days. (16.4-5)

Lying ain't pretty, but it seems a little unfair that Gemma's started snorting every time she lies. After all, sometimes she has to lie to protect pretty legit secrets.

Quote #9

"You take that back!" Felicity says through her teeth.

"I won't!" Pippa is crying. "You know it's true. Your mother is a courtesan and a consort. She left your father for an artist. She ran away to France to be with him."

"It isn't true!"

"It is! She ran away and left you behind." (16.53-56)

When situations are painful and confusing, sometimes it is easier to lie to ourselves than to face the truth.