A Hologram for the King Defeat Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph.Page)

Quote #4

And so he'd moved up quickly at Schwinn, too, from retail sales in downstate Illinois to the regional sales office, to a place at the table with the execs in Chicago, planning strategy and expansion. And then the union-busting. Then Hungary, Taiwan, China, divorce, this. (XII.34.83)

When Alan takes a ride on Lady Fortune's wheel, he winds up crushed right at the bottom—like many a good person before him. But since it's been a long ride down, it's difficult for him to see when this rollercoaster will bottom out. Alan's constantly reminded of how good things were for a while, and tormented with the thought they he may never get back to that place again.

Quote #5

Alan chose not to tell Yousef that he had been generally unskilled in matters of love, and was now celibate and alone. That he had not touched a woman in any meaningful way for years now, too many years. He chose to allow Yousef to believe that he was now and always a successful man reveling in the sex-drenched cities of America. (XVI.139.126)

Alan likes Yousef, partially because Yousef likes Alan. He doesn't want Yousef to find out about his failures (and certainly not his failed love life). That's fair enough.

But for Alan, the lack of success in his sex life is even more inexplicable than his professional failures. His internal deadness certainly contributes to this, as does his failed marriage to Ruby. Alan doesn't try to suss it out too much. In this case, it's best for his friend to believe all the stereotypes he might have about American businessmen. You know, to lighten up the mind-numbing sadness of it all.

Quote #6

"I think you're absolutely hollow."

"I told you that myself."

"Maybe not hollow. More like defeated."

Alan shrugged.

"What made you that way? There's no light in there." She leaned over to tap his temple with her finger. (XXII.96-100.188)

Alan finds himself in a truly awkward situation with Hanne: naked, in her bathtub. This might be a dream situation for some men, but Alan hasn't really been moved sexually in years. It's part of his whole personal failure/internal deadness situation. But Hanne has clearly never seen anything like it before, and really wonders what's going on. Is it her? No, Hanne: You're not responsible for the downward spiral that is Alan's life.