A Little Less Girl Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Jake sightings, three. Once coming out of the gym. Wet hair and glorious smile. Once in the cafeteria, but only from behind. Great view of his butt! Enough said. Once as he drove past in his jeep. The human troll with the size D cups clung to him from the passenger seat. Daydreamed for a minute that he took the turn too fast and Katrina flew out head first into a garbage can. A girl can dream, can't she? (4.29)

This entry from Amy's diary details just one of the many reasons she likes Jake—his good looks. It also hits a few jealous notes. Amy is clearly annoyed with Katrina, who is not the nicest girl at school but has the goods and snags Jake's attention. Ugh.

Quote #2

Speaking of stupidity, I walked into the yardage store to help Grammie, and Mrs. Busby, the owner, smiled at me in that sympathetic way and said to Grammie; she has such a pretty face. If ever there was a backhanded compliment in the world of backhanded compliments that was it. If there was a dictionary of underhanded compliments it would be right there on the front page beneath "what a pretty dress, did you sew it yourself" and "what did you do to your hair, it looks so different." This was one I used myself the other day on Katy Hoffman. I really wasn't trying to be mean, but the front was longer than the back and the entire haircut was rather disturbing. She must have gone to a salon without mirrors. Anyhow, I wanted to let Mrs. Busby know that the face came with the rest of me and that the rest of me was feeling quite insulted, but Grammie shot me an admonishing look so I smiled and nodded. (4.31)

Amy knows how people see her and she's not happy about it. Inside she's an awesome person, but outside all people see is that's she's overweight. Of course, she admits to doing the same thing to other people, too, so maybe we're all guilty of these little backhanded compliments when it comes to the way people look?

Quote #3

"I'm sure the principal will want to meet you. He'll decide whether or not you can stay in that attire today." She motioned through the small swinging door and led me to an office. She knocked and poked her head inside. "New student."

I stepped inside. The principal looked like every other principal with a charcoal gray suit, a collar that was one size to small, and a waist that was one size too big. This one wasn't as practiced at receiving nonconforming students as most. His mouth hung open slightly for a second, then he gathered himself and sat forward. He was about to speak but I spoke first.

"I've been to four high schools in three years, I'm a straight A student, I had a near perfect score on the SAT in my sophomore year, and I've broken ten swimming records.

And the girl whose name is on the plaque in front of that pathetic tree seedling in front of the school was my cousin."

The principal's mouth dropped open again. His gaze dropped to my bare legs and black boots for a second. Then he picked up a pen and pulled a piece of paper from a green pad. He scribbled a few lines and handed me the note. "Dress more appropriately tomorrow. This note is to let teachers know you're staying today. First period is starting right now." (6.17-21)

The ladies in the office and the principal only see Dani's revealing outfit, but Dani makes it clear that she's made up of more than what she's wearing. Hey, her brain is up here, guys.