A Little Less Girl Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from A Little Less Girl.

Appearances Quotes

Jake sightings, three. Once coming out of the gym. Wet hair and glorious smile. Once in the cafeteria, but only from behind. Great view of his butt! Enough said. Once as he drove past in his jeep....

Arts and Culture Quotes

My fingers traced the letters etched on the front of Amy's journal. "Heathcliff was the ultimate bad boy, but Mr. Darcy had Pemberley." With her artist's eye and colored pencils, Amy had made it lo...

Coming of Age Quotes

Blister rubbed his chin and grinned. "Are you ready? The first day of our last year." His eyes lifted as he considered it. "Has a nice ring to it." I plowed my spoon into my cereal. "The last day o...

Community Quotes

The air began to cool, and the late afternoon clouds came to their resting places on the surrounding peaks. Parking spots and businesses along Main Street stood empty as Sunday evening slid into Ra...

Guilt and Blame Quotes

The charred black spot where Amy's car had landed sat directly below. It was as if my own jeep had turned against me, breaking down there on purpose to remind me that I was a jerk. Not that I neede...

Home Quotes

The car tossed up a cloud of dust as it climbed the unpaved road to Grammie's house. The house was small and needed paint, but orange and white wildflowers lined the front yard, and a porch surroun...

Love Quotes

I tucked Amy's journal beneath my arm and walked over to her window seat. The tartan patterned cushion had been worn to mere threads on the left side. I sat there, where Amy must have sat hundreds...

Mortality Quotes

The vase of dead flowers and the pathetically filthy toy polar bear lay crumpled and dirty on the roadside memorial. Right after the suicide, the road had been lined with flowers, balloons, and han...