A Man for All Seasons Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Man for All Seasons? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following roles is not played by Common Man?

Jury Foreman
Exotic Dancer
Q. Where does Common Man get all of his costumes?

His basket
Thomas More's closet
Q. In which scene do all of Common Man's costumes appear?

The court scene
Henry's appearance at More's home
The Tower
The intermission
Q. Who does Matthew the Steward end up working for by the end of the play?

Duke of Norfolk
Thomas Cromwell
Richard Rich
Steve Jobs
Q. Why does More fire Matthew the Steward?

Matthew's a spy
Alice makes him
Matthew is just too gosh darned good-looking
He's broke