A Rose for Emily Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does Tobe stay with Emily?
  2. Why does Emily stay in Jefferson?
  3. If Emily's father only left her the house, how are her bills and food and things being paid for?
  4. What are some of the different things that are being inherited in the story?
  5. Did you find this story depressing? Uplifting? Disgusting? What is your overall reaction to the story?
  6. Do you find "A Rose for Emily" hard to read? If so, what parts are difficult? If not, what makes it accessible for you?
  7. What do you think happened to Miss Emily's house after the townspeople find the body? Do you think the town made Homer's death a matter of record?
  8. Is it significant that Emily is the last Grierson? Why or why not?