The Bad Beginning Chapter 12 Summary

  • Backstage at The Marvelous Marriage, Violet and Klaus have a lot of things running through their minds. For starters, they're terrified; but on the other hand, they're really interested as everyone runs around getting ready for the production.
  • At the end of Act 2, Count Olaf comes off the stage and demands that someone put the orphans in their costumes.
  • As they're getting dressed, Violet and Klaus see Justice Strauss—she's super excited to be making her theatrical début. Count Olaf even asked her to bring a law book and read her lines from a real marriage ceremony. You know, so it could be more authentic…
  • Violet suggests it could be fun for Justice Strauss to change up a couple of the words. You know, just a little twist.
  • Oh no, Justice Strauss tells her—she has to do what Count Olaf says. Just then, she's called away to makeup.
  • Before the children go on stage, the bald man with the long nose warns them to do everything exactly as planned or Count Olaf will give the word and Sunny will go splat.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Poe happen to see the children before they go on, but before they can explain what's happening, Count Olaf appears with his walkie-talkie in hand.
  • During the third act of the play, Violet and Klaus just stand on stage while Count Olaf performs all kinds of very long and very dull speeches.
  • Finally, Justice Strauss reads her lines and Violet is asked if she will take Count Olaf to be her lawfully wedded husband.
  • She says, "I do."
  • Klaus is panicking: All Violet has left to do is sign the official document and the wedding is legal. Oh, we can't watch.
  • Justice Strauss pulls out the paper and Violet takes the long quill pen from Count Olaf. Then she leans forward and signs the page with her trembling left hand.
  • Wait, what?