A Small Place Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Since you are a tourist, a North American or European—to be frank, white—and not an Antiguan black returning to Antigua, […] you move through customs with ease. (1.2)

Although Antiguans run the country, they're still faced with more discrimination than the oodles of foreigners who enter their country each day. Try to tell us how that makes sense.

Quote #2

And then there was another place, called the Mill Reef Club. It was built by some people who wanted to live in Antigua […] but who seemed not to like Antiguans (black people) at all. (2.3)

That just adds insult to injury. Not only are these wealthy Americans taking control of Antigua, but they're doing so while despising the black people who make up most of its population.

Quote #3

There they were, strangers in someone else's home, and then they refused to talk to their hosts or have anything human, anything intimate, to do with them. (2.3)

It's not hard to not be racist. Here, let's give you a refresher—treat everybody, of every race, as a human being. Rinse and repeat. Now, was that so hard?