A Small Place Visions of Antigua Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

(when the Queen came, all the roads that she would travel on were paved anew, so that the Queen might have been left with the impression that riding in a car in Antigua was a pleasant experience) (1.3)

Right off the bat, we can see that there are two different Antiguas—one for the wealthy and one for the poor. Like the Queen of freakin' England, the tourist is presented with a neutered version of Antigua, a Disneyfied tour that makes conditions seem better than they actually are.

Quote #2

No very long after The Earthquake Antigua got its independence from Britain, making Antigua a state in its own right, and Antiguans are so proud of this that each year, to mark the day, they go to church and thank God, a British God, for this. (1.3)

British colonialism has left a long-lasting impact on the country of Antigua. Even though the Brits have long since left, Antigua has integrated aspects British culture into their own—for better or worse.

Quote #3

British colonialism has left a long-lasting impact on the country of Antigua. Even though the Brits have long since left, Antigua has integrated aspects British culture into their own—for better or worse.

Kincaid means this in more ways than one. One on hand, the country is now self-ruled and no longer under control of the British, but on the other, she sees a lot of signs that it might not be changing for the better.