The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What do Arnold's drawings tell us that his writing does not? What is the relationship between pictures and words?
  2. Would you have left the reservation?
  3. What does it mean for Arnold to be a "part-time" Indian? Do you think of yourself as a "part-time" something? What? And why?
  4. Arnold asks his parents: "Who has the most hope?" (6.7). What do you think? Why is it so important to have hope?
  5. What do you think will happen to Arnold after he finishes high school? (Now check out Sherman Alexie's bio. After all, Alexie has said that Arnold is, more or less, based on him.)
  6. Arnold makes a list of all the different tribes he belongs to (29.31-29.43). What tribes do you belong to? Are you multi-tribal like Arnold?
  7. How do Arnold's drawings of himself change over the course of the novel?
  8. Why does Rowdy call Junior a nomad (30.182)? What does it mean to be a nomad? Do you think this is a positive thing?
  9. What is the last picture that Arnold draws? Why is it so important?