Across Five Aprils Themes

Across Five Aprils Themes


The Civil War plays such an important part in Across Five Aprils that it's almost its own character. And it's not just those who end up fighting the war that are affected by it. In the Creighton ca...


With four of the six remaining Creighton kids joining up in the war, the Creighton family dynamic definitely goes through some changes throughout the book. And it's even more interesting since Bill...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

As the great philosopher Jagger taught us, we can't always get what we want. But he entered into history long after the Civil War, so we'll forgive the Creightons and company for not getting that m...

Coming of Age

In Across Five Aprils, Jethro's family situation requires him to grow up pretty quickly. And despite the responsibilities he has to take on—running the farm and handling his own education, to nam...


Since Across Five Aprils is a book about war, you probably saw this theme coming. To say the topic of death comes up more than once would be a massive understatement, and the real kicker is that wa...


Did you notice how quickly time flies in Across Five Aprils? And we're not talking about seconds and minutes and hours while you read (though those fly by, too). This theme is all about the concept...

Men and Masculinity

Oh, brother. In Across Five Aprils, we not only learn about the special privileges afforded to men (A man has a right to this, A man has a right to that), but we also witness a lot of commentary ab...


With, like, a billion older siblings and friends to look up to, Jethro has a good selection of people to admire in Across Five Aprils. But in addition to that, the people in Jeth's life provide som...