Airborn Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I remembered him often still. We couldn't have escaped without Bruce to help us. What made it worse was that I'd felt resentful of him. And what made me saddest of all was that he died before he figured out what his dream was, what he most loved and wanted to do with his life. (21.83)

Sometimes remorse is the only thing that can follow when you have unkind feelings toward someone else. It's like when you judge someone for something, and then you find out later there are good reasons why they are that way… and then you feel guilty for judging them in the first place. (Come on, we've all done it.) Although Matt had pretty good reasons to be jealous of Bruce, it turns out that he is the one who comes out on top. Poor Bruce.