Airborn Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"And, Captain," said Miss Simpkins, "I would appreciate it if Mr. Cruse here would keep his distance from my charge. I fear he is a poor and perverse influence on her." (13.113)

Poor, eh? Interesting choice of words, Miss Simpkins.

Quote #8

Kate fluttered her fingers dismissively. "I don't believe for a second someone of Mr. Lunardi's breeding would pick up a struggling lady and lug her around like a sack of rice. Would you, Mr. Lunardi?" she said, smiling as if they shared some wonderful cozy secret. (14.245)

Kate usually isn't one to unfairly point out the disparity of their social standings, but this one was a low blow—she's implying that a man of Matt's breeding would lug a lady around, even though she clearly knows he's better than that. And Matt doesn't need to be brought down in front of Lunardi any more than he needs another reminder that he's not "one of them." This was just mean, Kate.

Quote #9

"You know," Bruce said, looking over at me, "this really is an amazing thing she's discovered here."

"Yes, and with your father's help, she'll come back again. You'll come again. I'll come again so I can serve you all lemonade. But right now, we need to go." (14.249-250)

Poor Matt—he wishes he could offer funding to Kate's future expeditions like Bruce has offered his father's money for. This was clearly supposed to be a joke, but we all know it's coming from a place of jealousy.