An Abundance of Katherines Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Well, he doesn't love me now. We've been dating for two years and he's never once said it. But he would really not love me if he could see inside. Because he's so real about everything. I mean, you can say a lot of s*** about Colin, but he is completely himself. He's going to work in that factory his whole life, and he's going to have the same friends, and he's really happy with that, and he thinks it matters. But if he knew. (14.53)

Lindsey's sure of it—TOC isn't in love with her because he doesn't know the real her that's around when the performances stop. We might say the same thing about Colin. He's not truly in love with a Katherine because he can't even remember anything about her, aside from that she dumped him (and even that's not always true).