Anthem Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Yes," said Collective 0-0009, "we have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy! How dared you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers? And if the Councils had decreed that you should be a Street Sweeper, how dared you think that you could be of greater use to men than in sweeping the streets?" (7.25)

Jut like it did when it made Equality 7-2521 a Street Sweeper, Equality 7-2521's society (spoken for here by Collective 0-0009) acts in its own worst interest. It rejects Equality 7-2521's gift – electric light – even though this could make the quality of life of its own members much better and lead to all kinds of new discoveries. They're too outraged by the fact that Equality 7-2521 has distinguished himself and broken the laws to accept something in their own best interest. It's a powerful illustration of how the society is held together by hatred and envy of the strong, rather than love or genuine concern for the greater good.