Argus's Clique: Big Dudes

Argus's Clique: Big Dudes

The guys in this clique are gigantic. Literally. And the oversized Argus was definitely no exception. Unlike a lot of the other members of this group, Argus wasn't much of a bully. He usually used his gigantic size and strength to beat up on monsters that were terrorizing the countryside. Yeah, he's one of the good guys.

The Cyclopes

These one-eyed giants like to talk a lot of junk about Argus. We're guessing they're jealous because he's got a hundred eyes and they've only got one. Three of the first generation of Cyclopes got locked down in Tartarus way back in the day by their dad, Uranus. This caused a ton of problems, mostly for their dad.

The Hekatonkheires

These nasty storm giants had fifty heads and a hundred hands each. (Makes Argus's hundred eyes seem like nothing.) Cottus, Briareus, and Gyges were their names, and they were the sons of Gaia and Uranus. Just like their Cyclopean brothers, the Hekatonkheires were buried deep under the earth by their dad, Uranus.

Frost Giants

These huge bad guys from Norse mythology are always causing trouble for the gods. Jötunn is the Norse name for their race, but when you take a tour of Jötunheimr, their icy homeland, you can totally see where the name Frost Giant came from. The Jötunn come in all forms. Some of them have tons of heads or hands like the Hekatonkheires, some have fangs and claws, and others look more like enormous animals than giant men.


This guy is a really nasty giant from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. When we say nasty, we mean nasty—some say his face was a big long coil of intestines. (Um, gross.) The gods put all of Humbaba's nastiness to good use, though, and had him guard their home, the Cedar Forest. Humbaba's security job came to an abrupt end, however, when the warrior-king Gilgamesh came along with his side-kick, Enkidu, and chopped off his head. Sound familiar?


This horse-headed giant from India was said to have stolen the sacred writings of Buddha himself. Some say he got killed by the god Vishnu. In Tibet, he's thought of as a god of rage and also a god of horses (which would make sense with that horse head of his).