Around the World in Eighty Days Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Passepartout went on his errand enchanted. (37.2)

Sometimes we are happy for ourselves, but as we see here with Passepartout and his wedding errand, sometimes we are simply delighted for those we care about.

Quote #8

His object was, however, to be victorious, not to win money. (37.9)

Being victorious leads to an increase in reputation and respect, something Phileas Fogg is definitely after. Since he's rich already, a gigantic bunch of money is just icing on the cake.

Quote #9

It need not be said that the marriage took place forty-eight hours after, and that Passepartout, glowing and dazzling, gave the bride away. (37.11)

Passepartout deeply respects the two people getting hitched. Phileas and Aouda are perfect for each other and he's so excited to be a part of their happiness. Happiness can be contagious.