Austenland Chapter 10 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Day 8

  • On the morning of Day 8 in Austenland, Jane does what all rejected Regency women do: she texts her best friend on her cell phone.
  • Specifically, Jane asks Molly to do a background check on Martin Jasper and Henry Jenkins, her two potential suitors.
  • When Jane goes down to the breakfast room, she learns that Sir John has been sent to the apothecary in town because he was "not feeling himself last night" (10.10). No, he was trying to feel Jane. Ick. "Apothecary" must be Austenland-speak for rehab. Maybe she could find him at one of these celebrity "apothecaries," for those stars that feel too "exhausted" to live in the real world anymore?
  • Miss Charming whines that none of the men have made her feel charming, and Aunt Saffronia says she'll report her dissatisfaction to Mrs. Wattlesbrook. She's like the Millionaire Matchmaker of Austenland.
  • Bored, Jane makes a house call upon Miss Heartwright of Pembrook Cottage. She and Miss Heartwright make small take and become friends.
  • A carriage arrives with yet another handsome stranger: Captain George East the "jilted man in Miss Heartwright's past" (10.8). These people have timing right out of a, well, Jane Austen novel.
  • They chat until Miss Heartwright leaves. Jane, not wanting to be unchaperoned in the presence of a man, takes her leave as well.