The Bald Soprano Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Donald M. Allen's translation.

Quote #7

Yay, more fun with time. Why does the Fire Chief say "three quarters of an hour and sixteen minutes"? Isn't that the same thing as one hour and one minute? Wouldn't that be easier to say? Also, how does the Fire Chief know that there will be a fire in the first place? Can he tell the future or something?

Stage Direction: [Following the last speech of Mr. Smith's, the others are silent for a moment, stupefied. We sense that there is a certain nervous irritation. The strokes of the clock are more nervous too.] (510)

Quote #8

We're beginning to think this clock is just as much of a character as anybody else in the play. Notice again how the clock responds to the other characters' emotions. It's almost like time itself bends around the characters in the world of The Bald Soprano.

Stage Direction: [Mr. and Mrs. Martin are seated like the Smiths at the beginning of the play. The play begins again with the Martins, who say exactly the same lines as the Smiths in the first scene, while the curtain softly falls.]