Barn Burning Resources

Movie or TV Productions

Barn Burning, 1980

You have to see this. It stars Tommy Lee Jones as Abner Snopes.

"Remembering Faulkner"

From PBS, on Faulkner's 100th birthday.


Nobel Prize Speech

We give you what you've always wanted: the speech Faulkner gave when he won his Nobel Prize in 1949.

Why did Faulkner win the Nobel Prize?

Find out here, in the speech given when presenting Faulkner with the award.



Faulkner smoking a pipe.

Older Faulkner

Faulkner, still with his pipe.

Faulkner's Bookshelf

Apparently, Faulkner was no stranger to the mystery novel.

Estelle Oldham

A nice picture of Mrs. Faulkner, before she was Mrs. Faulkner.


William Faulkner of the Web

This website is loaded with information on Faulkner and his work, including critical bibliographies.

William Faulkner Navigator

Like many great writers, Faulkner has his own page in the New York Times.