Beetlejuice Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #1

BARBARA: Happy vacation, honey.

ADAM: Manchurian tung oil! Where did you get this?

BARBARA: Helen got it for me in Oslo.

ADAM: Well, there's enough here to do the whole table and the bureau.

BARBARA: I wonder what this could be? Oh, honey, you got it. Thank you.

ADAM: There's enough to do the entire guest room.

BARBARA: I'm so glad we're spending our vacation at home.

Aww. Right off the bat, we see that Adam and Barbara not only love each other, they adore their house. Nothing says love like Manchurian tung oil.

Quote #2

CHARLES: Delia Deetz, welcome home.

DELIA: Charles!

CHARLES: It's okay, there's no damage. Look, see? It's okay. Good, sturdy, country craftsmanship. And look at that kitchen. You're finally gonna be able to cook a decent meal. Come and have a look.

DELIA: A little gasoline. Blowtorch. No problem […].

CHARLES: We're gonna have to rip out all that plumbing. Other than that, it's perfect. Just perfect. What do you think, honey?

LYDIA: Delia hates it. I could live here […].

CHARLES: Delia, let's get one thing straight. We're here to enjoy the country setting, not to trash the place!

DELIA: You're right.

OTHO: Charles, you're lucky the yuppies are buying condos so you can afford what I'm going to have to do to this place.

CHARLES: Otho, I'm here to relax and clip coupons, and, damn it, I mean to do it.

DELIA: Then go do it quietly, dear, and let Otho and I think.

OTHO: Is the rest of the house as bad as this?

After seeing how hard Adam and Barbara worked on their house, we get to watch Delia and Otho walk through and talk about gutting the place. At least Charles and Lydia like the country charm, but they're the two least powerful people in this family.

Quote #3

CHARLES: I know what you two are up to and you're not going to get away with it! […]

DELIA: Charles, I will not stop living and breathing art just because you need to relax.
I'm here with you. I will live with you in this hellhole. But I must express myself. If I can't gut this house and make it my own I will go insane and I will take you with me!

CHARLES: Yeah. Well, you know, maybe the house could use a little remodeling. But why don't you just leave this room alone, okay?

DELIA: Okay.

BARBARA: I'm gonna get her.

Game on.