The Living

Character Analysis

Let's spare a care for the living in the movie filled with ghosts and ghouls:

Jane Butterfield: The real estate agent who keeps trying to convince Adam and Barbara to sell their house. She's really broken up about their death. #sarcasm

Ernie: One of the guys in town. His dog is the one that gets the Maitlands killed.

Old Bill: He owns a barbershop next to the Maitland's hardware store and, boy, does he love to talk.

Jane Butterfield's Daughter: Almost as devastated as her mother about Adam and Barbara's untimely demise.

Bernard: Delia's agent who doesn't actually seem to like her. Or her work. He also refuses to believe that there are ghosts in the house without proof. Well, more proof than spirit-possessed shrimp cocktails. Bernard is also played by uber-famous talk-show host and actor Dick Cavett, known for his super-smart in-depth interviewing but obviously not above playing a tiny role in an absurd comedy.

Grace: She's a writer for Art in America and Delia's dinner guest. She never realized she could do the Calypso.

Beryl: She's an editor and seems to loathe Otho (we can't blame her there).

Sarah Dean: Max's wife; she's in love with the supernatural. She ends up getting her fill of ghosts when Betelgeuse sends her crashing through the ceiling.