Birdman Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Birdman? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Riggan tries to embrace his anger and embrace his "mental formation" of Birdman, but Birdman tells him to "stop that s***. I am not a mental formation. I am _____"?

a bird, man
the real deal
an alien from another dimension
Q. Birdman makes his first corporeal appearance when _______.

Riggan is at his lowest point of self-doubt and self-destruction
the audience starts to believe he is only inside Riggan's head
Riggan is about to actually do some good
worms are on the menu
Q. Why is Birdman like Icarus?

They both fly too close to the earth.
He is symbolic of Riggan's hubris.
They both want to make a grand exit from life.
He represents Riggan's desire to fly away from his problems.
Q. What does Birdman say to Riggan during the final hospital scene in the bathroom?

"This is your new beginning, brother."
"You look hideous."
Nothing, they just look at each other
"We could have had it all."
Q. What does Birdman argue was the value of his movie franchise?

It saved people from their boring, miserable lives.
It was a deeply meaningful and symbolic beyond the surface glamour.
It had a compelling narrative.
It was an allegory for the war of 1812.