Blazing Saddles Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #7

HOWARD JOHNSON: Why don't we wire the governor to send us a sheriff? Why should we get our own men killed?

The people of Rock Ridge are sick of seeing their friends and neighbors volunteer to be sheriff only to be killed immediately by Hedley Lamarr's thugs. In their eyes, the governor is responsible for sending them a new sheriff, so they decide to send a telegram asking for their next one to be sent along ASAP.

Quote #8

HARRIET: The fact that you have sent him here just goes to prove that you are the leading asshole in the state.

When the people of Rock Ridge learn that the governor has sent them a black sheriff, they nearly throw an all-out rebellion. But once cooler heads prevail, they write a letter basically telling the governor where to go and demanding that he send them someone new (and someone white).

Quote #9

GOVERNOR: I didn't get a "hrumph" out of that guy!
HEDLEY: Give the governor a "hrumph".

Governor Lepetomane clearly doesn't have his priorities straight. At one point, he even becomes more concerned that one of his lackeys didn't say "hrumph" with him than he is about the fact that murderers are running loose in his state.