Bonnie and Clyde Society And Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #1

CLYDE: This here's Miss Bonnie Parker. I'm Clyde Barrows. We rob banks.

Clyde says this to a displaced farmer who's just lost his home to a bank. He's doing a couple of things with this line. First, he's promoting himself and Bonnie by announcing the "Bonnie and Clyde" brand. Second, he's telling the farmer that, while the big bad fat cats at the bank got him, he and Bonnie will get back at the banks. This sets them up as a couple of Robin Hood figures, but, unlike Robin Hood, they give very little of what they steal back to the poor.

Quote #2

CLYDE: I want to take one (a photo) of Bonnie alone.

Buck and Blanche have just arrived, and Clyde wants to take a picture of Bonnie by herself for the camera. She strikes a flamboyant pose, slouched sexily against the front of a car holding her gun in one hand with a cigar in her mouth. Again, this is personal marketing. This is how Bonnie wants the world to see her: flamboyant, sexy, eccentric, rebellious, and very much her own woman.

Quote #3

NEWSPAPER: Law enforcement officers throughout the Southwest are frankly amazed at the way the will 'o the wisp band of Clyde Barrow and his yellow-haired companion Bonnie Parker continue to elude their would-be captors.

After the gang steals a newspaper, Buck reads this part of an article that thrills the gang in many ways. Bonnie, for example, is delighted to be mentioned. The gang also finds it funny that they supposedly have been spotted as far north as Chicago, where they've never gone.