Bonnie and Clyde Society And Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #4

BONNIE: Take his picture! Listen, we'll take his picture. We'll send it to all the newspapers. And everybody's goin' to see Captain Frank Hamer of the Texas Rangers with the Barrow Gang and all of us just as friendly as pie.

Instead of shooting or hanging Frank Hamer after they capture him, Bonnie suggests this alternative, one that not only humiliates Hamer but also raises the stature of the gang. She knows that the press could not possibly resist something like this, and that this will build their brand even more.

Quote #5

BUCK: Take a good look, Pop. I'm Buck Barrow. We're the Barrow Boys!

After humiliating Hamer, the gang robs another bank, and on the way out Buck makes a specific point of announcing that he is also very much a part of the Barrow Gang. A little envious of Bonnie and Clyde's celebrity, he clearly wants more attention as well.

Quote #6

BANK GUARD: There I was, staring square into the face of death.

After this robbery, we see snippets of press interviews with people involved in the robbery. This is the first, a bank guard's account, which is clearly sensationalized to grab headlines. Not only does this give the gang a greater celebrity mystique, it's exactly the kind of copy newspapers want to boost sales. For both the gang and newspaper companies, it's a win-win.