The Book Thief Death Quotes


Quote 70

I just wish I was like Jesse Owens, Papa. (9.45)

Rudy's identification with people who Hitler despises, in this case, black people, is natural, not courageous. But, to maintain it as he grows older will take courage.


Quote 71

Look proud, he advised himself. You cannot look afraid. Read the book. Smile at it. It's a great book – the greatest book you've ever read. Come on, Max, you're only a few hours away. (26.6)

Max is making an ultimate voyage of courage. Imagine how he must feel, being in public after two years of hiding. Ironically, Hitler's book is the only thing between him and a complete freak-out. Courage usually includes some amount a fear.


Quote 72

Walter opened Mein Kampf and slid [the ticket] inside, next to the map he'd bought with the book itself. (26.11)

Walter is another courageous character, even though we don't get to know him. His courage in helping Max truly does save Max's life. It also takes courage for Max to go with him, leaving his family behind.