The Boxcar Children Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Our mother and father are dead." (9.20)

Yep, that's literally all we know about Mr. and Mrs. Alden: They're dead. The children never offer up further details. Why do you think that is?

Quote #5

Then Henry began to think of winning the race. He knew how much the twenty-five-dollar prize would mean to Jessie and the rest of the children.

"I am going to win this race!" he said to himself. (10.32-10.33)

Personally, Henry doesn't care if he wins the race; he's just running for fun. But, when he starts to think about his family, he feels more motivated. Twenty-five bucks would make his siblings super happy.

Quote #6

The doctor laughed to himself as Henry James shook hands with James Henry. (10.45)

The names Henry James Alden and James Henry Alden bear a strong family resemblance, don't you think? Mr. Alden doesn't notice at first because Henry withholds his last name on Field Day. Clever.