Brave New World Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #13

"In the end," said Mustapha Mond, "the Controllers realized that force was no good. The slower but infinitely surer methods of ectogenesis, neo-Pavlovian conditioning and hypnopædia…" (3.184)

Rock smashes scissors, scissors cut paper, paper covers rock, and science beats force. The question is, is there a difference between control by "force" and control by "science?" Can "science" be seen as just another—if more sophisticated—form of violence?

Quote #14

"It only remained to conquer old age."


"All the physiological stigmata of old age have been abolished. And along with them, of course…"


"Along with them all the old man's mental peculiarities. Characters remain constant throughout a whole lifetime." (3.228-235)

Old age is dangerous for a number of reasons in Brave New World. Mustapha argues that man thinks more in his old age. Of course, this means that thought itself—like scienceis inherently dangerous. Physical deterioration remained a problem, but the fact that old age is defined as a problem at all reflects the State's stance that individuals exist only to serve the community.

Quote #15

Henry Foster had had his machine wheeled out of its lock-up and, when Lenina arrived, was already seated in the cockpit, waiting.

"Four minutes late," was all his comment, as she climbed in beside him.


"There's the Red Rocket," said Henry, "just come in from New York." Looking at his watch. "Seven minutes behind time," he added, and shook his head. (4.1.29-32)

Henry's character reflects an obsession with exactitude in the new world.