Breakfast at Tiffany's Fred and Doc Golightly Quotes

"Every day she'd walk a little further: a mile, come home. Two miles, and come home. One day she just kept on" (9.18).

When Holly leaves Tulip, Texas, it's a decision she makes without much planning. She knows there is something more for her out in the world. So, although she's not sure what her plans are once she leaves Doc, she hopes she'll find a different life.

"She had good cause to run off from that house. She didn't have none to leave mine. 'Twas her home" (9.18).

Doc's idea of home is simple and humble. In his eyes, Holly had all the home she needed with him as his wife and as the stepmother of his children. He just doesn't get the idea of leaving a home like his to search for something different.