Sacrifice Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jacob to Bella:] "[Rosalie] understands that you're gonna die and she doesn't care, s'long as she gets her mutant spawn out of the deal." (13.40)

Jacob believes that the baby's life is more important to Rosalie than Bella's life is. Do you think he has a point?

Quote #8

[Carlisle to Jacob:] "I didn't mean that you would be… incapable. But that it would be very wrong. " (14.162)

Carlisle knows that Jacob would fight his own pack to protect Bella and believes that it's wrong for Jacob to make that sacrifice. Is Carlisle right? Is Jacob making the wrong choice?

Quote #9

[Jacob:] Even after I'd eaten my share – not because it smelled irresistible away from the vampire burn, but to set a good example of self-sacrificing tolerance for Leah, she'd refused." (15.12)

Jacob believes that by acting as a role model for Leah, he'll make her follow his lead. In vain. Does his failure make him a weak leader or is he really using "teaching Leah" as an excuse for eating Esme's food?