Briar Rose Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

Gemma, she remembered suddenly, had had no passport…. "Someone running desperately in a war," she'd said, "rarely stops to find the proper papers." (18.4)

Becca's understanding of Gemma changes after she learns what her grandmother went through during the war.

Quote #5

The first real shock came when they entered the town where they had rented a new chalet. A banner was suspended over the road: JEWS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK. (25.7)

Yikes. And we thought "No shirt, no shoes, no service" was bad.

Quote #6

You must understand (he said) that this is a story of survivors, not heroes. The war was full of them. (25.1)

If you had to name just one hero from Briar Rose, who would it be? Why? What's the difference between survivors and heroes, anyway?