Bud, Not Buddy Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"…Believe me, son, being on the road is no good. If you two boys are from Flint, this is the right Hooverville for you."
Someone said, "Brother, why don't we feed these boys. That one looks like he ain't et in two or three months." (8.80-81)

Although this Hooverville is full of people with the least ability to be hospitable, seeing how they live in cardboard boxes and cloth, they still manage to be kind and compassionate to two lost boys crashing their party. Because of these folks, Bud lives another day. It's another example of people who don't have much to give still going out of their way to help. It almost seems like the less people have to give, the more they're willing to help others.

Quote #5

When she was walking me to the door, the librarian stopped at her desk and said, "Now I know that knowledge is a food, but I couldn't help noticing you never went to eat. You must be very hungry."

She handed me a paper bag and gave me another smile. (9.27-28)

Bud has missed some meals and is totally hungry, so the librarian's gift of a sandwich is the best thing that could have happened to Bud at this moment. We're sure the librarian is hungry, too, but she gives up her lunch for Bud because she can see that he needs some food and won't be able to get it anywhere else. Bud probably wouldn't have been able to begin his quest for his father in Grand Rapids without this gift from the librarian.

Quote #6

He got in the car and said, "You'll never know how grateful I am to you Bud. I'll take that horrible image of you putting the car in gear to drive away while I stood by the side of the road in Owosso, Michigan, at two-thirty in the morning to my grave with me. Thanks God you don't know how to drive." (11.17)

Thank goodness Lefty Lewis comes along. Lefty Lewis is one character who shows Bud true compassion and forgiveness. Bud is just a little kid, after all. Really, he may have saved Bud's life. On top of all that, Lefty forgives Bud right away for taking off with his car!