Bullyville Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I asked her if, considering how recently I'd lost my dad, she honestly thought I was ready to take on a possibly hostile new environment, to make a major change I didn't want to make. (4.21)

Whoa. Bart played the dad card… and it didn't work. Bummer for Bart.

Quote #5

What had happened to Mom—to us both—would never just go away. Life would never be the same for her, she might never completely recover. (4.171)

Often Bart seems more in tune with his mom's feelings than his own. Through her, he realizes he'll be forever changed by his father's death.

Quote #6

I was starting to wonder if maybe I wasn't the same person. I definitely wasn't the Bart they used to know. (5.9)

Bart is slowly coming to terms with the idea that he has changed.