The Call of the Wild Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Since the beginning of the winter they had traveled eighteen hundred miles, dragging sleds the whole weary distance; and eighteen hundred miles will tell upon life of the toughest. Buck stood it, keeping his mates up to their work and maintaining discipline, though he, too, was very tired. (4.27)

Buck’s good leadership is dependent upon his own determination and is his ability to withstand hardship.

Quote #8

The half-breed tried to drive him away with the whip; but he paid no heed to the stinging lash, and the man had not the heart to strike harder. Dave refused to run quietly on the trail behind the sled, where the going was easy, but continued to flounder alongside in the soft snow, where the going was most difficult, till exhausted. (4.30)

Dave’s determination to die in his traces mirrors Buck’s own resilience. The dogs find camaraderie in their steadfast devotion to their work.

Quote #9

He pleaded with his eyes to remain there. The driver was perplexed. His comrades talked of how a dog could break its heart through being denied the work that killed it, and recalled instances they had known, where dogs, too old for the toil, or injured, had died because they were cut out of the traces. Also, they held it a mercy, since Dave was to die anyway, that he should die in the traces, heart-easy and content. So he was harnessed in again, and proudly he pulled as of old, though more than once he cried out involuntarily from the bite of his inward hurt. Several times he fell down and was dragged in the traces, and once the sled ran upon him so that he limped thereafter in one of his hind legs. (4.32)

Dave’s determination to die nobly provides an interesting contrast to Buck’s determination to live nobly.